Czasopismo Indicium
Nr 8/2022
Egzamin pisemny dla kandydatów na tłumaczy przysięgłych języka angielskiego
Tekst nr 3 z dnia 19 stycznia 2022 r. (godz. 9:00)
Governance of the Energy Union
Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on the Govemance of the Energy Union aims to ensure that the
EU's Energy Union Strategy is implemented in a coordinated and coherent manner across its
5 dimensions. More broadly, it also aims to ensure that the Energy Union achieves its
objectives, in particular the targets of the 2030 policy framework for climate and energy and
of the Paris Agreement on climate change. lt repeals Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 on the
monitoring and reporting mechanism for greenhouse gas emissions.
The regulation has a number of key features:
it requires EU countries to produce a national integrated energy and climate plan for
the period 2021 to 2030 by 1 January 2019, and then every 10 years for the following
10-year periods;
it establishes a consultation process between the European Commission and EU
countries, and regional cooperation between EU countries, before the plans are
finalised, and then every 1 O years for the following 10-year periods. For the period to
2030, the plans need to be updated by 30 June 2024;
it requires EU countries to prepare and report to the Commission long-term lowemission
strategies with a 50-year perspective, in view of contributing to broader
sustainable development goals and the long-term goal set by the Paris Agreement;
it requires EU countries to produce biennia! progress reports on the implementation
of the pl ans from 2021 onwards across the 5 dimensions of the Energy Union, to track
it requires the Commission to monitor and assess EU countries' progress towards the
targets, objectives and contributions set in their national plans;
it sets out the requirements for national and EU inventory systems for greenhouse gas
emissions, policies, measures and projections.